My Mission
My name is Stephen Francis Wesener, I live on Birrigan Gargle and Yaegl land.
I will walk towards a life-sustaining way. I will nourish the earth.
I will honour the wisdom of the Earth and Indigenous cultures.
I will hold a place of healing and connection and an awaking of wisdom, through ceremonies, rituals, initiation and rites of passage.
I will make the decision that will honour the children of all species and for 7 generations to follow.
I will learn to plant basic native crops and trees.
I will create a bond with the land, create a community space.
I will participate with the people who live here and heal in nature.
I will seek mutual support groups, where people take care of each other.
I will develop my practical skills. I will teach these skills to children and friends, neighbours.
I will simplify my life, freeing up more space and time. Discover everything I can do without money, walk, exercise, craft and socialize with my loved ones;
I will separate myself from the logic of consuming more and more. Making exchanges, giving and receiving gifts of affective value, rather than financial value; I will seek not to exploit humans and other than humans in these transactions,
I commit, to the wisdom in the knowing that 'food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food', eating mindfully in harmony with mother nature and her seasons where possible,
I will recognize that life is amazing
My Story, so far
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.
0447 231 198